Eye of the Tiger

Wow! Who knew working in the Art Department would have such great benefits?
This is week three of my summer jaunt. Remind me to never complain about being home without work... Cause it is so nice.... :)
I'm on column duty. Pad the column. Put gold base on the column. Paint the column.
But every now and then - through the drudgery - I am able to take a mental vacation and break story.
Two great things yesterday:
Had to take a truck full of trash to a landfill. Here in Virginia - we call them Mount Trashmore - cause see? Doesn't it sound better that way? What a cute name!
Anyway - I piloted Bill's death trap of a truck all the way to the top of the mountain before realizing that I wasn't supposed to be there. The top of the mountain is reserved for really big trucks - like dump trucks - not little box vans.
All the way up - since Bill's window is the only air conditioning on this 90+ degree day - I was buffeted with dirt and garbage smell. I witnessed the garbage decomposing before my eyes. And then I hit the top - where it was like Hitchcock's Birds - thousands of seagulls rifling through the newest trash - yelling and screaming like in Finding Nemo - Mine! Mine! Mine!
I stepped out to unload - and the ground gave way a foot as each step I took sunk into the mulchy garbagey goodness.
It was like being in a Mad Max movie. I was simultaneously disgusted and fascinated... kinda the same feelings that people have when they read my script.
Watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang last night. Again.
When I was in LA for my round of meetings - I watched this film. Really liked it. Liked it even more when I saw it last night with the wife and the orphan (Kyle's new name.)
Really fun.
Like my scripts - way too much plot and VO - but unlike my scripts - really consistently funny and a bit too sexy for mixed audiences. But it is a great film. Very postmodern - but get it. See what you think.
Got a call from another producer last night.
She was slipped the script from a friend of mine at Lion's Gate.
She went on about the 15-20 scripts she has in development at a company that has a distribution deal with Warner Brothers. She really loves the script - but was not at all interested in me directing.
Big surprise. No one is... :) But me...
Anyway. She wants to get it to a director who has done four or five medium budgeted films that I liked - so its not necessarily a bad idea... But the good news is:
My script is getting out there - even if we aren't going out with it. And people still like it.
So there is still time to let this play out. See where the wind blows... And then jump in.
Till then - I'm working on my 6 pack...
While you're doing your crunches, Tub-o-fun, pat yourself on the back (if you can manage the athleticism).
It's gonna work out fine. Maybe not exactly as you expected, but good things rarely do.
Your script's out there, being received well, and you can say things like "a friend at Lion's gate."
You're a rock star.
9:34 AM
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