Little Monsters

Only worked for half a day yesterday. The power went out - and while Bill doesn't mind if we worked in the dark - after I cut off two of my fingers, he thought it best that we wait till Monday to start up again.
Came home and slept for three hours.
While I haven't tried illegal drugs - and I don't care much for drink - I think there is nothing so blissful as a few hours of sleep when one has been deprived of its sexy embrace for so long.
When we woke up - we went to the ocean and walked in the sand. My son Jordan and daughter Jade played chicken with the waves. The waves won. Afterwards - we went to a sit down restuarant to eat.
I can't think of the last time we went to a nice place and brought the kids.
Needless to say - the food was great. But the company was better.
Jordan spent the entire meal trying to figure out which dinosaur was the biggest and could kick the other dinosaurs asses. He would pit one against the other and then want to know who would win.
"Ok... A T-Rex versus the Tricerotops. Who wins?"
"Um... the T-Rex."
"Really? But the Tricerotops has those horns! And he would stick them in the T-Rex till blood comes out!"
Great dinner conversation.
After Jordan slammed down a giant plate of meatload and potatoes - he had to borrow paper from my wife to start drawing.
He proceeded to make a little book with the dinosaurs and all their names - with his own spelling. Brilliant!
Meanwhile - my daughter has decided that she can only speak if she is saying something sarcastic. It is impossible for her to say anything normal with out the cutting comment coming right behind it.
I have no idea where she gets it...
"Hey kids - let's do something fun tonight since Daddy doesn't have to work for the man!"
"like what?"
"How bout we go to the beach?"
"Great. Then we can get hot, sweaty, sticky and covered in sand. Why don't we just rub ourselves down with fish and save the trip?"
9 years old. She will make a fine jewel in someones crown one day...
So that's why they're going up on ebay - wanna start the bidding?
If I was buying some kids, I'd definitely buy yours. They're fun and asian, which we all know is a great combo.
Also: last night I wrote for eight hours and cranked out 42 pages on the "cousin" script. Current count? 90, bitch.
9:06 AM
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