For sale.... Integrity, dreams....

I'm beginning to think I am the only one who thinks I shouldn't sell my script.
A couple weeks ago - my agents sent me a project by a really famous comic book designer. They had a property that they were interested in me doing a script on. I asked if this was another take - and they said no. So I was interested...
But reading it - and seeing the artwork - I thought it was pretty silly. But they said I could at least get a meeting on it. So I would get to sit down with a legend. And I wouldn't wanna pass that by.
So when my agents give me the full court press for selling the script the other night - playing good agent bad agent - they also throw out that that company has been calling everyday - trying to get a meeting with me.
I said I would talk to them anytime... And that turned into a quick call yesterday. I hadn't read the treatment since the day I got it - so I was a little nervous about taking a meeting - but the first one is usually a meet and greet.
Funny thing is - the head of this company used to be at a different company - and I had already met him when I did my round of meetings in LA. He loved my script then - and still loves it - which is why they wanted me for the comic movie. He told me a few things about how the story was changing and how nothing was set in stone and I could change anything I wanted...
And then he hit me with - So - how is your movie going?
Then it was full court press for selling this script to them.
He laid out a very enticing offer.
When I got home - I finally was able to talk to my producer - and she is still working on her financing. When I told her what was going on - she also offered to buy the script.
Maybe God is telling me something...
So the question is: do I hold out for trying to direct the movie and put it together independently? or do I take the money and to fight another day?
Money and Run! Money and Run!
What's better, hoping to fight today, or knowing you'll fight tomorrow?
9:00 AM
There's nothing that says if you sell this script you can't direct the next. In fact, you'll have more weight, once Poker's a huge hit, to say, "Yes, you can have my next one, but I'm directing."
I say, of the two offers, take the one from the team that you think will make the best Poker Night, not the highest bidder. Then show them your next script and make it a writer/director deal.
I'm proud of you lad~~
11:19 AM
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