
Oh Blair....
You know, they are right. Laughter is the best medicine.
And the only thing better than laughter - is laughter at the expense of someone less fortunate than you - cause that sure does make you feel better about yourself!
Blair came to work yesterday. We painted really big columns with very tiny brushes. It made for a long - but ultimately funny day. When you have a long history - it's great to be able to look back and see how foolish you have been for many years together. Boy did we make a lot of mistakes - and piss a lot of people off.
Nice thing is - in the middle of the day - we started to break a new story. Got just a little past the idea - but it was a good idea. We will see what happens if we water it and let it grow. It could be really great.
I'm still working on breaking my story. Good news is - I am working on it.
Avoided my agents for two days - trying to wait till I hear back from my other producer... She has been in NYC for a week of fund raising...And for some reason decided this was a good week to not call me. Not entirely sure why - but I have my suspicions.
Finally talked to my agents last night and they tag teamed me. They want to sell this script now. They think I shouldn't wait to direct it. They want me to be a writer and this will get me work.
I still don't know. Everything is a long road. I really want to direct this - but can I afford to wait another year? Two? Who knows. I should talk with my producer today... She is flying back to LA - and has said she will get in touch... So we will see...
Till then - more columns need to be painted.
I'm gonna say it again:
You don't have just the one shot.
Take the Money and Run
9:15 AM
For what its worth, I say sell and get onto the next one...
2:34 AM
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