The Daily Grind

So starts another week.
We hit it hard and fast again. Back in for 6 days this week. But now that I have been catching up on my sleep - I have a new goal.
This week I need to get some writing done.
Ryan kicked out 90 pages last week. David even started riding his bike again.
I alone work. And write not.
So this week - I am jumping back in. Even if its just a little bit. Either way - I am getting something done.
I mean it.
I think.....
It's about time, little sweatshop slave. Give me pages of sweet story goodness.
8:08 AM
90 pages?
The bastard wrote 90 pages last week?
Damn your Ryan!
2:06 PM
That's right, baby! 90 pages. And yes, I do work, Greg. Don't get all high and mighty. I work once every fifteen minutes. So no more excuses from you!
7:37 PM
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