Fighting for Coherence
Yesterday was lost in translation.
I showed up at the post house to begin a new edit and waited around most of the day for a group from France to finish the fx on their new car commercial.
Never happened.
I left with the joy of knowing I wasn't the only one who couldn't finish a project in China in the allotted time.
Oh wait... did I say "joy?"... I meant dispair. Easily confused...
All day I had just one thing on my mind:
Who sold more CDs? Kanye or 50?
I mean a lot was at stake. It was 9-11. This is a big day in our nations history - and what better way to commemorate the lives lost then to release rap CDs?
While Kanye has tried to play it off as an exciting event - 50 has gone so far as to say that if Kanye sells more than him - he will give up the mic.
50 - brother man - where would we be without you? If you quit rapping - that means the terrorists have already won!
At least I can take solace in the fact that while we still may be a nation in grief - we can at least drink in the comfort that only sick beats, blazing mc's and mad ho's can offer.
I went out last night to an event.
What? Is this the same Greg who only leaves his apartment for work? The guy who spends every night sitting in front of the TV or computer?
Yes. I went to a reading/lecture at a local bookstore by one of the guys who runs - one of the most widely read blogs in the world. Judging from the packed house - it is obviously read in China as well.
Great guy. Read a new story he wrote for Forbes that was very William Gibson-ish. Then he went on to rail against copywrite law and why it will never work. Only by opening up information can we hope to keep up with people stealing.
He's a great speaker and a really smart guy - and he puts his money where his mouth is as he releases all of his books on the web for free and still makes money selling them in stores. But it kinda felt like being trapped in a room with a really smart guy talking about legalization of drugs... he has lots of good reasons why it would work - mostly by saying all the ways that it doesn't work to stop them.
Not sure how I feel - but I was entertained.
Even stranger - I came home and turned on the Discovery Channel and watched an episode of a show that David and I produced 3 years ago.
So funny that that show was on. Were you cringing at it or bathing in our collective brilliance?
I think the 50/Mr. West thing goes all week -- see who sells more the first week out. My money's on Kanye.
I was reading in Scientific American that people who easily pick up tonal languages like Chinese might have a genetic predisposition to doing so... and perfect pitch. I bring this up because, now that you're no longer the Reclusive American, I think you and your perfect pitch need to hit the karaoke bars.
I expect greatness on the mic.
2:17 PM
Life goes on. How many of us take time to think about our own mortality on Pearl Harbor Day?
I'm rooting for 50.
3:12 PM
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