
It's Monday morning here.
It's the last four days before I can get on a plane and head home. Even though I get to go back for just one week - it still is awesome. Not that I don't love China - but I do love seeing my family and my dog.
My daughter is doing a report on Amelia Earhart and I will actually be home to see it. If I can drag myself outta bed.
Cause day here is night there and night there is day here.
So in prelude to my weekend, here's how things broke down at the end of last week.
We finally had approval from the stations and from the government for our show. We had done over 25 versions and sent them out and everyone was ready for the September 1 launch...
When I got a call on Thursday morning.
Greg. We have bad news.
One of the product names is wrong. The Character and Voice over need to be changed. On every tape.
Trust me. Most would panic. I didn't. I'm so over panic. If this was the first change, maybe. If it were the 50th change... possibly. But I have gone through 6 months of changes - and this one doesn't even make me twitter. I just pull out a pen - get the offending character written down - and start making changes.
On Friday - I see that the actor we have an offer out to has signed for another film. Doesn't mean he's turning us down - just means that he's doing something else. But it probably isn't good...
So what does that mean for me?
Does that give me the motivation to go out and write another script? Work on new ideas?
I got married two weeks before I started Film school.
We had just got out of college - worked all summer and saved - and then got married, went to my grandparents for our honeymoon and then moved and started grad school.
While I went to school - my wife worked two jobs.
I watched movies all day. Cause it was homework.
That lasted about a month before I found out who the real boss in our relationship was.
This weekend reminded me of those old days.
I watched a plethora of movies.
Weeds Season 1 and 2 - really interesting show. Great cast and writing. Very unrealistic and quite dirty - but an amazing show about a bad mother who is still quite sympathetic.
The Lost Room - Sci Fi mini-series with a great premise - a lot of fun episodes - and a weak ending.
Chinese Movies-
Invisible Target - great first half, lousy second.
Undercover - weak Wong Kar Wai wannabe - nowhere in the same league.
Blood Brothers - Produced by John Woo - very melodramatic
Perfect Love in Peach Blossom land - Really fun old Taiwanese film about two plays being put on the same stage - sometimes at the same time.
Flashpoint - The new Donnie Yun movie. He did Iron Monkey. Lots of Brazilian Jujitsu type moves - but really fun.
Korean Movie -
Comrade - great little double agent film. Very restrained and well done. And depressing.
American Film -
Resevoir Dogs - sigh. Interesting to watch it again and admire it. Horrible to hear Tarantino talk in his interviews about what a genius he is. Kinda makes me throw up in my mouth... just a little bit.
All of that should serve to be very inspiring. But it isn't yet.
But I'm still brewing. Ideas are easy. Good ideas are hard.
Just got a call from America - Everyone is at my little sister's engagement party.
Guess it's time to make the donuts...
You probably don't realize it, but you sure say "Not that I don't love China..." a lot, mostly in posts just prior to you heading back across the sea.
You see Finchers 'Zodiac' yet? I thought it was awesome and will most likely post about it.
9:38 PM
Not that I don't love China, but I can't believe those two are getting married. Okay, I can ... but it's weird.
2:04 AM
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