Must Write...

If only I pushed a bit harder....
I know. Just keep going. Write through it. It'll come.
I need a chair like this - strapped to the keyboard - hand and foot - no choice but to crap or get off the pot...
Seemingly have no choice but to continue to push out pages.
Listened to the Creative Screenwriting Podcast the other day. The guy was talking about how he never has writers block cause he just has too many ideas...
I guess I could relate if crappy ideas count. I seem to have a million of them. And I probably have 10-20 pages of a hundred scripts that follow those crappy ideas until they die.
And then they sit there on my harddrive - mocking me... waiting to be picked up again like the squirtgun that shoots jelly on the island of lost toys.
Cause everyone knows you don't need to be that great - you just need to have that one great idea...
If only that were true.
Just gotta push through.
Just keep on puuuuuussssshhhhhing....
Ah yes.... Here it comes....
I'll have a couple of great ideas today. Tomorrow I'll realise they are awful.
Anyone can write volume.
9:29 AM
Yeah, its a pretty dry place. Boulder is also one of the most liberal places in the US, I guess. Going from Huntington to there might be kind of a trip, but maybe a good one for me.
I'm taking film studies this year, the guy teaching the class was the producer for "In the Company of Men," which I really liked. The class so far has been good, but he's going to make us watch "The Exorcist" in a few weeks and I'm afraid it's going to give me a panic attack. I do not handle scary well.
11:59 AM
Keep pushing it out brother -- even if it is crap. Maybe there will be one nugget of corn you can keep and use to make something more than crap.
Just don't be afraid to reach into the bowl. I do it all the time...
12:55 PM
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