
What? Is there something wrong with a guy telling another guy that he loves him?
If that's wrong... I don't wanna be right...
Spent the day at my neices party.
My sister loves a big party. My wife's sister loves her a big party too.
I do not love big parties. In fact - I can't stand them. But it was a nice way to get to see everyone all at once in one fell swoop.
Played a lot of badmitten with my son. Watched my daughter take the rope from the pinata and try to make a zip line from the tree to the ground. She was using a horseshoe to try to slide down from a high branch.
But tonight - my closest friend Shawn and I made a run for the theater.
In our small town - there is one movie theater. Its not bad - as small town theaters go... but they don't bring a huge selection - and they don't bring in a whole lot of R rated films.
We really wanted to see Superbad - well... because we heard that it was Super Bad...
It wasn't playing here.
That means its an hour drive to Ft Wayne to the big Rave theater.
We usually try to go to the latest show because:
A: The kids are asleep by then and the wives don't yell at us as much.
B: Night here is my day.
Tonight was the last chance to see it cause Shawn heads off for Mexico city tomorrow. He wanted to go Saturday - but it was my first day back and it didn't seem like a good idea to run out on the family. Sunday he thought I was gonna call him - and I thought he was gonna call me - so neither of us called.
Today - we were both at the party - and knowing it was our last chance before he left - we had to go.
He showed up at my place at 9:45 - to get to the theater for the 10:50 show. He was a bit late - so I drove a bit fast.
We pulled up at 10:35.
We walked to the theater - which is in the middle of an outdoor mall. Don't bother asking why someone would build an upscale outdoor mall in the middle of northern Indiana. I still to this day question the logic. The point is you can't see the theater from the parking lot.
When we got there - the box office was closed. The usher was cleaning up. We were in shock.
I looked to the board - and there was the showing.
Superbad 10:50.
We immediately hit good cop/bad cop mode. (can you guess what I was?)
Hey man. What's up with the show?
What show?
Superbad. The 10:50.
Oh yeah... um... well. There is no show.
But it was in the paper. And on the internet.
Yeah... that was a misprint.
But it was in there all week. And its on your board.
Yeah. Well. There is no show tonight.
Let me talk to a manager.
So the manager ambles out.
Yeah sorry guys... we don't have that show on Monday. All these guys gotta get to school tomorrow... and when they made the schedule they never put anyone on to watch the late show. As you can see - we're already cleaning up the snack bar.
But... we drove an hour to get here.
Yeah... well - I can give you some free passes...
But its on your board....
Yeah... sorry....
Look. We don't need any snacks. We just want the movie. Can't you just start it up now... it'll be done early... and then we'll go. We won't even use the bathroom.
After a couple of seconds of blank stares - the guy said sure.
And he said we could watch it for no charge.
We got an empty theater all to ourselves. The manager himself ran the film. Asked us if we minded skipping the previews. We said not at all.
Then he offered to get us free drinks.
That's what I call customer service.
And to top it off - the movie was so funny I almost coughed out a piece of lung. It is one of the sweetest foulest movies I've seen in a while. And that I got to share it with my best friend made it all the better.
Thanks Rave Theater Manager, Ft Wayne Indiana. You made my night.
Hey, you beat the Man!
Welcome home~~
10:07 AM
That's a great story...sounds like something from another era.
2:09 AM
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