Excited about Christmas?

Another day before Christmas.
Remember the old days?
Sneaking around the house - digging in closets, looking for traces of gifts to come? Grabbing wrapped boxes and shaking them - playing CSI and trying to figure out the contents?
Now I relive those moments through the kids.
They count the number of gifts and compare who is winning in the total number category. Doesn't matter the content - just who has more.
Each year that I spend in this business - even way out on the periphery - I am still constantly amazed how I have no idea where the year would have led me. From Discovery, to a Feature, to China. Now - possibly out to SF?
Each day I check the weather in three cities. Warsaw Indiana, San Francisco, and Beijing. Might be adding Seoul and Sydney next year.
Right now, I'm supposed to be working on a celebrity list for both China and for my film. I'm having a bit of a hard time wrapping my mind around either.
Sat with Ryan yesterday. Passed him some films - he returned some scripts. We spent some time talking about how he thought the scripts I gave him all had big problems. We talked about how great Little Miss Sunshine was and how the writer did over 100 drafts. Glanced back at the scripts and realized that one of them was by the same writer. And Ryan thought it sucked.
Goes to show we never know the whole story.
I went to my daughter's ballet recital yesterday at the Y. We are a small town here - as I've stated before - and here's a perfect example. We have a pretty famous former NY Ballerina teaching dance at the Y. There were two students in her class. I got to see my daughter dance with her one other student to Silent Night yesterday. Priceless.
My dad is home - thanks for asking. He is stiff - but looking so much healthier. Not sick with infection. Makes recovery much nicer.
Heading off to church. Trying to remember why it is we buy all this stuff in the first place.
God forgive my selfishness.
Happy Christmas, dude! Enjoy your time not being on a plane.
8:05 PM
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