The best show you've never seen

So I'm slow.
I've tried to watch it before - but just never found the time.
And there is something about this show that demands it be watched all together.
I watched the first 4 seasons of 24 on DVD - and loved it that way. I could always watch 4 or 5 episodes a night and not feel like I was left hanging week after week. But then last season I watched the show each week - and loved that too. Thinking about what was next really played mind games with me all week.
But the Wire is something else.
This is some complex stuff. And its not the visceral emotional grisly stuff you see in most shows about cops. This is intelligent, desensitized, desaturated reality. Its political - intricate - grey - hard hitting with questions that demand - but get no answers.
I don't know how to describe the show - other than I thank God for Jet lag and HBO on demand - cause I went through all of last seasons shows in the last 3 nights. And now I'm left hanging. What's next?
The writing.
Dear God. The show sounds like nothing else on TV. The scenes all feel as if they would be cut out of any other show. They are all inbetweens. The characters - wow. Unbelievable how good this is. And David Simon - only 44. He gathers up all these great novelist to write with him. And it shows.
I'm a convert. And now I gotta go backwards and get the rest - start over from the beginning. It's amazing. Go see it. Study it. And learn.
This show proves what can be done - setting the bar really stinking high.
And I cower beneath the pole.
God yes. I love Battlestar Galactica, but there is no show on TV that makes me weep as much as this show does because it's so real. IT's not escapism. It's practically a documentary. I haven't spent much time in Baltimore - actually I've never been to Baltimore - but the education stuff perfectly describes what's wrong with school systems everywhere. I'd imagine the crime stuff is the same way.
Brilliant. I'm glad you've joined the quiet legion of fans.
12:42 PM
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