Hangin with the Homeboys

Nice to be home.
Last night at 2am I took some NyQuil.
Woke up at noon.
I haven't slept more than 6 hours in at least 3 months.
Trying to get back into the swing of things - but it's happening very slowly.
My dad is in Ft Wayne today - getting knee replacement surgery. I'm off to the hospital with the kids in a few minutes. Haven't yet heard how things turned out - but I pray for the best. He blew his knee out in High School, ran 5 marathons on it - and when he turned 60+ it went out again.
Now he gets a new one. Merry Christmas!
I've got a lot to do. Gonna be rough editing the show for China - and start searching for a big celebrity again. Lots to do and not enough time to do it in.
Still have to read the short story from the Paramount guy. He sent it in Adobe - but it was all sideways - so it makes it hard to read on the computer. Need to print it out.
Also gotta make a new celebrity suggestion list for my film for the Paradigm guys. Apparently, they really love it and wanna jump on it for a possible summer shoot. I figure - who knows. Not near as excited or anxious about it yet - but inside - it seems pretty neato. Not gonna get all worked up till I see some action.
John - my producer - is in the islands for the holidays. He called me in Chicago with the movie news after having dinner with Werner Hertzog. Kinda cool... :)
I'm chilling with the wife. Barely awake enough to do more than chill - but we did laugh a lot today - and for me - that's better than any Christmas present.
Say a prayer for my dad... more later.
Trust all will work out well for your Pops.
You know I'm curious about the short story. Do tell.
Glad to hear the movie's bumping back up.
10:07 AM
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