Pumped up

Little after 4am.
Last two days have actually been very impressive. The locations have worked out - the actors have been great - and with the exception of one scene - I feel as if we have done a really good job.
We have a crack lighting team. Nothing they can't do - and do quickly.
John has been smiling for much of the shoot - just happy that things are going well. He did have a minor breakdown because he lights video off the monitor - and we have three monitors on set. All of them are different. He doesn't know which one is right.
One of the monitors went out on Friday - in the middle of an important shot - and he was running around all upset - going " How do you say "termination" in Chinese?" and his assistant was like - Termination? and John has five cables in his hands - looking around trying to get someone to understand him.
I thought it was kinda funny... :)
Bill has been the most relaxed I've ever seen him on a shoot - and it's not cause he's drunk. He's had a rough time. The night before we began - his grandma passed away - so his thoughts drift to death and life's purpose - which Bill think's a lot about anyways. He's a great guy and my heart goes out to him. In the midst of that - he still has kicked ass.
And besides my cold - where I produce at least 30-40 pieces of wadded up toliet paper a day - I have really enjoyed myself. Sure I flew off the handle a couple times - and made Ting - our assistant cry once - everything has been great. The footage is incredible and I couldn't be happier.
So there.
Off to the last day of shooting. And then off to America and my wife and kids.
I'm feeling very pumped...
Tell Bill we're praying for him. (he'll probably say that we're stupid or something, but still tell him please)
1:20 AM
I'm glad that everything is going well. Enjoy the holidays with your family.
7:12 PM
I've been wondering something for a while now. I've gathered that you're a screenwriter (and director, too...right?) who commutes by plane, to San Francisco from Indiana. You also apparently have some Virginian heritage. Rock on.
But what's the deal with China? I've just never been able to figure out exactly what your situation is. Are you directing a Chinese language film? For a Chinese audience? For an American audience? If so, why is it being shot in China?
I'm just curious. I've meant to ask for a while.
11:25 PM
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