Now why would I do that?

Do you like to be beat up?
Sometimes I feel like the guys on Survivor or the Amazing Race. In same ways - those show are great analogies for production. You are begging for a chance to put yourself in a situation where you basically get killed and beat up physically and emotionally on a daily basis.
And you love it. You beg for more. Because if it was easy - you wouldn't do it. If it was easy - it wouldn't be as fun.
If it were easy - there wouldn't be an stories afterwards...
Yesterday was a somewhat relaxing day. John and I shot listed the school story. Went through the other three and did the basic coverage - but waited till we went to the locations last night to really lock things in.
We went to both the club and the restaurant last night. The club will work out great - I think... but could be a bit tricky... mixing our lights with theirs - getting in and out under 6 hours... same drill... but there is a good amount of space and everything seems to be ok.
The restaurant is the same thing.
I can see why it was so expensive - no one goes. And the food is expensive. Not for back home - but definately for China. It does look great and I think it will be really nice on film. So I hope, in the end - it was a good choice.
I went to the bank to trade about 5 grand yesterday. The biggest Chinese currency is 100 RMB - about 10 bucks - so they handed me huge war and peace size stacks of bills. As I turn to leave the crowded bank - I have this huge amount of cash with me - and all these people starring at me as I try to jam it in my pockets.
I prayed all the way back to the hotel no one was following me.
Today we finish up the shot list. Everything is looking good. Still waiting on a couple Fed Ex packages to arrive and that could throw things for a loop - but hopefully we will be fine.
Otherwise - the train keeps moving. The army has left the country - and war is rumbling in the distance. Just gotta try to bring everyone back in one piece for Christmas.
And not do anything stupid...
Oh, do something stupid. It would be so much fun. You know you want to ....
I slept for twelve hours today (not to gloat), so I should be able to kick some serious ass tonight at work if the boys haven't been crazy.
If only one didn't have other obligations in life—they just get in the way of writing.
6:11 PM
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