Beijing Workout

Don't make me get all Smith and Wesson on your ass. Cause I will. These rocks can hurt when they're coming your way - so don't make me angry. I'll go all crane style on you.
I'm getting sick.
It's coming - like a storm on the horizon. I can taste it in my mouth - feel it at the back of my throat. No sleep and stress don't combine to make Greg a happy boy. Combine it with a lot of small crowded rooms fill with people smoking - and you have a recipe for disaster.
On the positive tip - the scout went well yesterday. Three out of four locations kick butt. The forth with be OK - but we have to drive a long way to get there and it really is just not big enough. But who am I to complain - 75% is a pretty good average.
Today I meet with the Shanghai group to discuss Celebrities more. They have certain feelings - and while some of them are valid - they have no idea how production is done - so this can create a lot of misunderstandings.
While I get to sit in a little room filled with smoke - I'm sending Bill and John to the Great Wall. Last trip here for them 7 years ago - I worked them straight for three months and they didn't get to see anything - so I feel as if I owe them at least a bit of break - even if it is to see a completely reconstructed piece of the wall at the biggest tourist drop in freezing tempatures.
I remember going to shoot in Buffalo NY - one of the worst places I have ever been - in the middle of February. I had never seen Niagra up close - so we drove out there. When we arrived in the parking lot - I left the car running - walked to the edge - looked down - got back in the car and headed to the hotel.
But hey - I saw Niagra Falls...
Tonight- we hit the studio and make sure the sets are what we want them to be. They prelight - overnight I guess - and tomorrow we jump in.
On the writing tip - one of my big supporters at Paramount wrote me yesterday to let me know that Dreamworks is looking for an idea on a certain thing and he wants to work with me on it. So I'm trying to wrap my head around this tired old concept and see if I can squeeze any new life into it...
On the homefront - I am homesick real bad. Nothing I want more than to play Transformers or Lego Star Wars with my son. Sit and draw with Jade. Hang out and laugh with Ivy. Sigh. Enough of that.
Hope your countdown to the holidays is treating you well.
Don't make me come over there and knock the snot out of you... cause I will.
Oh, you can squeeze new life into anything if you really want to; stop being a baby, ya invalid!
Feel better.
7:01 PM
Why don't you knock the snot out of yourself and, in one swoop of your mighty hand, A) rid yourself of illness and B) satisfy your Chuck Norrisesque needs?
You're welcome.
9:39 AM
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