Home again Home again

Jiggidy Jig...
In honor of the occassion - Dr Rockso... Just for those who love rock and roll clowns...
Finished off the shoot in style - at a club. The morning shoot at the restaurant went well enough - but I was unhappy with the look. I think in the end it will be fine. The club worked a lot better - but I felt really tired. It was quite a stretch to get to the end - but it sure felt better than the last shoot.
Bill John and I remarked that 7 years ago it sure wasn't like this. Everyday was a fight. This time - everyone was on our side - hoping it turned out good. And it did. I got DVD copies of all the footage - and there's some really nice work in there. All in all - I'm pretty pleased.
Took the boys back to Ya Show yesterday morning - just enough time to fill our suitcases with Santa's Chinese junk before heading back home.
Flight went well enough. Read the latest Lee Child book. Watched the mini finale of Heroes and a Battlestar Galatica episode.
Made it to Chicago - and got a call from my old producer. Seems that my agency is very interested in financing the film - and wants another list of names to go out with. The guy I really want for the lead is unavailible because -
Get this -
He's going to China to direct his first film.
Go figure.
My dog almost killed my daughter trying to get to me last night. Today - all is well. Gonna see my parents for breakfast - and just got done cooking breakfast for my kids.
I have to say it was a good day.
PS - thankfully - Blogger is back in English. No more excuses about really bad typos. Thanks to the three of you who bore with me the last month....
If it helps you feel like a rebel again—I wasn't on your side. I was back here in the states, praying against your success and for your ultimate humiliation.
Welcome home.
8:48 AM
Welcome back, lad.
Did you see any pirated copies of Dismal over there? That's when I'll know we've REALLY arrived...
10:48 AM
Hey, I just got the home again home again jiggity jig thing. Realized it's in one of the boy's nursery rhyme books we read a lot. Though he prefers four and twenty blackbirds...
2:40 PM
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