Toughen up, Nancy

Should be an interesting week.
I fly back to LA for meetings tomorrow. Then to SF for midweek - Back to LA for meeting on Friday. Home Saturday.
I have a big report that basically determines the size and scope of my job that I have to present on Friday. I usually swing for the fences - so we'll see if I can deliver. Lots of work between now and then.
Also got a call back from STAR1's agent on Friday - but I was in the middle of a flight. So I'll try him back today. Also got a phone call to China I gotta make. And one to another agent trying to reach me about a different project.
So maybe things are taking a swing for the better. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Either way - I always do better with many irons in the fire instead of none. So this is a good time. Just keep moving forward - regardless of direction - and pray the wind pushes you the right way.
Really had a great week end. I think 80% of it was spent with my daughter in my lap. Family can't be beat. Sucks that I have to work so far away. For now, at least.
Time to pack. Off to the plan. Another week gone.
We'll find out now if the checks clear... :)
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