You ever get asked to do something you don't really want to do - but then you do it and it really was much better than you feared?
There are a couple guys here in Indiana/Ohio who make films. They were all actors at the local summer stock theater - and then they raised a bit of cash and made movies.
Really nice, genuine guys. The kind of guys that you really want to encourage because they are living the dream. Doing the stuff I dreamed out. But also the kind of guys that you hate to watch what they've done - because you don't wanna be the guy that says that what they did sucks.
Well. Through my blog, they found me and invited me out to see their latest film.
I knew it was a comedy. I knew it was sort of a play on Christopher Guest's improv films. I knew I was worried.
Because comedy is hard. Improv is harder. Making a good film is the hardest - and these guys had $5000, 10 days and a lot of dreams.
Nothing that made me want to be the guy who sneaks out after because he is afraid to tell people the film sucks..
So they screened the film here last night to a packed house. It was free and the snacks were good - even if the sound wasn't.
But I was shocked.
It was funny. Really funny. And sweet.
Sure - it has that amateur vibe about it - but that is sorta the point.
Its the story of a summer theater that decides the best way to advertise their shows and build up good will in the community is to field a softball team.
Its "Waiting for Guffman" meets "Bad News Bears."
And zany hijinx ensue...
Truth be told - I was impressed. There is a market for this. It still needs a lot of tightening - but the crowd loved it - even though the sound was pretty shaky.
So Mickey and Tony and gang... Great job. Love to help how ever I can...
And good luck. My wife and I loved the show...
If you wanna check out the trailer and some clips....
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