All hail the BullGod

Wow. How "Lord of the Rings"-ish.
For the past two days - besides puking - I have been tending to the BullGod.
I paint it. Clip its nails. Try to make it smile. Force feed it the blood of virgins.
You know the drill. It gets old.
But I have to have him all shiny and pretty cause on Saturday - we take him to his rightful place in the temple. And the only way to do that is in a back of a pickup truck.
Because that's how the BullGod rolls...
He told me it was him that made it rain yesterday. I told him to stop bragging. No one likes a boastful deity. Besides - I explained - as a BullGod - he doesn't get to control the weather - just crops and fertility.
I knew you were gonna say that - he said.
No you didn't.
Yes I - ZAP.
And now I'm infertile. Again.
I'll try to post a picture of the grumpy BullGod making his way to the studio tomorrow.
And on a sad note - yesterday was the last day on the set of a young friend of mine named Josiah. This kid is the funniest kid I have ever met and it will be sad to see him go. But I will always have his Lord of the Rings weekly newsletter to keep me company in his stead.
He asked me the other day what my favorite thing to do was.
After a moment - I realized that my favorite thing in the whole wide world was....
And what better way to laugh than to watch this clip:
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