Food for thought

So a record breaking weekend for Pirates.
Good for them.
We contributed yesterday to their overall haul.
There is a lot to be said about the film - whether or not you liked it - whether or not there was a story - whether or not there was an ending -
But the one thing I want to focus on is this:
Out of every film I've seen this summer - this one was the most fun.
All the other films - probably with the exception of X-3 - have been by the book and executed without a sense of enjoyment.
I don't want to say that everyone needs to seem as if they are having a good time every minute of the film - but as someone in the audience I want to enjoy the film. Trust me - I'm dying to have a good time.
And Pirates provides this.
Sure there are hole. Sure there are big plot problems.
But it is fun.
Really fun.
So - whatever. I am willing to forgive a lot if it is fun. And this movie is fun.
So go see Pirates.
Enjoy yourself.
And leave your jaded asses at home.
You hated Superman but you're okay with Pirates? Talk about crazy upside-down values.
Don't get me wrong, Pirates was lots of fun. But your jaded ass was obviously way to present at the Superman screening if you thought it was outranked by Pirates.
8:33 PM
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