Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Why I oughta....

An In Between Day.

Lots of ideas about how I want to do things.
Lots of reasons why I probably shouldn't do them that way.

I usually approach everything head on - and forge straight ahead - knocking down the idiots in my way. My partner in crime has a much better head for gauging the wind and sliding his way through - avoiding conflict and problems. I usually crash into them - taking a few people down in the process and burning a myriad of bridges behind me. While the end product might be great - unless you have a really Teflon type personality - you might not wanna repeat the experience.

Now granted - this is not always the case - and I am usually very careful with those over me to make sure that I don't offend them to their face. But it has happened.

And over time, I have mellowed a bit. I am a little less abrasive and a bit more polished. I think. Maybe.

So with this film thing - it is a little strange. I have been producing and directing for 15 years. And the people I am working with have been at it for a long time too. But in TV everything is fast and there are deadlines.

In film - there are few deadlines.

There is no reason to get the film going now. There is nothing about when it comes out that makes you have to really hurry up. So to get an answer is really tough - because no one wants to pull the trigger.

We were under the gun a bit. We had a narrow window between film releases to get the actors availabilities. But now - it seems the big movie that was giving us so much trouble might actually be disappearing. So the pressure is off.

So the delays can continue. I think.

And while my natural inclination is to run in and start shaking people - my partners tell me this is not a good idea.

So for now, I hold my breath. I try to take my mind off the movie and think of happy things - like butterflies and rainbows and unicorns.

All together now - deep breath.

Time to listen to the Ministers Quartet. I'm sure when they put this album out - they thought the title was a good idea too.


Blogger Unknown said...

Why this isn't included in every anthology of great album covers, I will never understand. I wonder if the title was givin in haste to meet a deadline. Who knows? In any case, I would love to hear that album.

Perhaps this could make a good movie. Sort of an Oceans 4, but instead of professional con men, you have a Dentist, Doctor, Lawyer, and Pastor pulling off the perfect con during a tent revival. After all, there is a lot of money in ministry.

... especially in church marketing.

M Bootles

9:26 AM

Blogger glassblowerscat said...

I want to see that movie.

Way to restrain yourself; look at you, you're growing.

9:49 AM


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