Sunday, April 02, 2006


Every time we sit down at our computer - or notebook or typewriter, for you luddites- we make choices. Each script, each act, each scene, each character - they are all a combination of choices.

To often - it seems like there are only two - ass or cake plate.

Truth is, there are a million. And every time you go about telling your story, you have to find a way to narrow those choices down until you have the best choice. And that is not easy. It doesn't get easier - but the key is - is it the best choice?

You can look at any scene in your script. Does this scene dramatically raise the stakes of this story? Is there a better way to tell this part? Are we not only learning something new but are we pushing the story forward in a better and more tension filled way?

Is this kind of scrutiny drying up all creativity and making me completely frozen so that I can no longer continue writing?

I am now pushing forward with my next version of my last script. Not that I particularly wanted to write two complete scripts with the same characters - but - I decided to see what it would be like if I made a different set of choices.

20 pages in - and I just decided that the big set piece scene I finished needs to be done again - and the tension can really be increased if I make one or two additional choices that really up the stakes.

What is great is that every scene is different - but if there is a way to accomplish what you have set out to do in a better way than what you have done -it's time to go back and do it again. And again. Until you have it right.

So when do you finally get to stop making choices? Once it hits the screen kid. Cause up till then - it's all about decisions.

And then its up to the buyers - is your script the cake plate?

or is it ass?

(on a related note - got more sleep last night. watched my two underdogs get beat and hit the sheets. We switched time zones here in Indiana for the first time ever - so we are officially on east coast time now. So even though I slept more - I lost an hour... Go figure. Tomorrow will be an interesting day with the future of the movie... wish me luck...)


Blogger glassblowerscat said...

See, this is exactly why it's almost time for others to read eLife again—I'm too confused by all my own changes to determine whether they're the best.

10:36 AM

Blogger YAJC said...


5:46 PM


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