End of Week Two

Friday here. End of week Two. Only one more week till I go home.
7 more days.
I can make it. I think. Just a bit more.
We have one show down - and one more on its way. We're getting closer.
But that still means I'll be back here in August. Still means I'll probably be here in September. We keep moving forward - but the progress is measured in inches - not feet. Certainly not in miles.
Wanted to write last night - but had a little video game party here at the house instead. It was supposed to be a little intimate group of my two assistants - but one of them invited her sister - who invited a co-worker - who invited a friend. And one of them brought their dog.
So it turned into something more.
It was supposed to start at 8. One came a little early. The next two came at 8:45. The next two came at 9:30.
One left at 10:30. The next two left at 12. The last two left at 1:30.
I just wanted to sleep at that point.
I'm sure my neighbors did too... :)
Strangely enough - as Iwalked one of my assistants out - she told me she's been really worried recently. She's a girl of all of 21 years old. Very smart - speaking two languages - Chinese and English - fluently.
She thinks she might have breast cancer and told me today she is going to the hospital with her mom. Not being an expert on the disease - I did tell her that she seems quite young to have this - and it doesn't seem like she should worry about it until she goes to her doctor.
But she was almost crying - and my heart was breaking for her. I told her I'd pray for her. Called my wife - who was on the road driving to Virginia to see her sick mother - and asker her to say a prayer for her as well.
Our bodies are a strange thing. Something we take for granted until they start acting up on us - and then sometimes we ignore the warning signs. A couple weeks ago - my wife started worrying that she had some form of arthritis. After a doctor visit and a blood test - it turns out she is fine. Thank God.
I pray that my friend will have similar news today.
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