Those were the days....

Note: Please excuse all the spelling mistakes on this blog. For some reason - China doesn't like blogger and doesn't like me to log on to blogger. The only way to get here is through a proxy site in Germany or Amsterdam - and as such - everything is in German. I click and guess my way through the interface. When I go to spell check something - everything is listed as a mistake and all the suggested fixes have umglats in them... so... sorry... :)
Ooops. I did it again.
Although my glory days certainly never reached Brittany's heights - my fall has been quick and desparate.
I played basketball yesterday afternoon.
My old high school buddy who works in China called me up and asked me to come play ball. It's only about 10 minutes from the edit suite - so when we finished up - I went to join him.
Big mistake.
One: Outdoor court in the insane Chinese heat.
Two: All college guys and us.
Three: I suck.
At first - I was on a good team - meaning I had other people to carry me - so we won a few games. Quickly that changed and for the next 2 hours - I never won another game. Ever.
My knees hurt. I was tired. And even at my best I rarely if ever made a lay up.
Pitiful. Sad. And the reality of Middle age begins to stare me in the face.
By the end - the best I could do was get out of the way of the rest of my team.
On the way home in the cab - the AC was cranked so high - I got a cold.
But I did get two and a half hours of exercise. And I did hit a couple nice shots. Enough to want to go back out and do it again.
After playing basketball for 20+ years - with all my injuries - it all comes back to what my coach said in high school about me and my friends...
"I see you guys playing basketball over there everyday. Don't see you getting any better..."
How true. But it does nothing to diminish the love for the game.
I was so inspired in my completely exhausted state - that I finally came back to the apartment and did some writing. Can you believe it? I can't.
And I actually like it. Don't know where its going - but that's usually my favorite part.
Now lets see if I can Lather. Rinse. And Repeat.
Off to edit....
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