More than meets the eye....

How cool is it that cars transform into giant robots?
That is a real simple idea that just has such resonance. So stinking American that it took the Japanese to think of it...
I remember actually being in college and coming back to the lobby and watching the cartoon - back to back with GI JOE between classes. I thought it was hilarious... and fun.
When my son needed to be potty trained - I found a transformer - and each time he took a dump on the toliet - we got a new transformer. Now - years later - he has a ton of them and is still just as obsessed. We own every season on DVD and we still watch them.
While we were in China - we picked up the 20th anniversary of the the original Transformers Movie. He still laughs everytime Grimlock bites Megatron on the butt.
We have a thing about not letting our kids see movies till we've seen them first - unless they are PG or G. It was a bit of thing - the Transformers movie being PG-13. This kid has been following the development of the film for the last 2 years... so we broke the rules.
I woke up at about 7 last night. Jet Lag. My wife and kids had gone off to the park for a birthday of a friend. I called the theater to find out when the movie started today - cause I figured out we would head that way... but then I find out - they had shows on last night.
We all grouped up and headed over...
Sadly - there was problems with the projector and we didn't get to see the Cloverdale trailer. That sucks.
And my son was going crazy. Can't they just start the movie already? We waited about 20 minutes and then they finally got it going.
My boy was sitting with his mouth open for the whole thing. He would call out the names of each of the Transformers - often getting them wrong - cause they changed them so much - but he didn't care. He was so excited and happy...
He didn't want it to end.
My daughter - who only likes Transformers by proxy - said it was the best movie she had ever seen.
Me? I thought it was fun. Really fun. Shia is incredible. He is the real thing.
The robots are amazing. The way Jurrasic Park was amazing.
My son? This was his Star Wars. He's already ready to go back. He says he can't wait for part two.
I think I enjoyed watching him watching more than the movie. To see his amazement was way more than worth the price of admission... :)
Oh man, the Cloverfield (field? dale? not really sure, to be honest, seeing how it DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAVE A NAME) was AMAZING. I can't wait to see more about it.
And I got chills when the first Bumblebee transformed for the first time. Also during the high-speed highway fight. And the crashing through an entire building fight.
But not during the accented babe-hacker scenes.
11:24 PM
"The robots are amazing. The way Jurrasic Park was amazing."
You got that exactly right, totally agree.
1:32 AM
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