All work and no play...

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Good news, Bad news day.
Good news is we finally got approval from the governing commercial body of China that our first show can air. I am sitting here with the letters of approval to show for it.
Bad news is I still have two shows and two spots to go.
I'm at a point of total minutia. There is nothing left to do on the show except pick at it like a vulture. Change this color. Let's try this word instead of that word. Let's move this sentance here...
Just little picks... little tiny bites... and I feel as if they are eating slowly away at my very soul.
I need to be writing. I need to have something new to take me away from this silliness...
But instead I choose to play Godfather:Blackhand Edition on the Wii... I just moved from Capo to Underboss - and now I need to attack the compounds of the other four families... :)
And I watch bad movies. Like the Reaping. Or Captivity.
And decent TV like the Dresden Files.
No word from our offer to the big star... but I expect we will here this week. i watched one of his films this week. He's only done three or four...(He's a big name outside the film business...) and he really started kinda weak... but that was the character. He got better and better and actually had a couple really strong scenes. If he says yes - it will be a huge challenge... but if he pulls it off - he is really gonna have a career... So I guess I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If he says yes - it will really be a strange thing.
If he says no.... well... we make another offer.
And so on.
My fellow producer continues to rake in big credits. He has a trailer on that he is an executive producer on - and it's no little film. Currently he's doing reshoots of a big film in New Mexico. He's trying to convince me that's where we should film.
I should be so lucky.
My wardrobe girl came to our weekly meeting last night. She is currently on a big Addidas commercial here. They are shooting 18 days for a 60 second spot. Go figure. Features have been shot in less. She was talking about how hard it was to get a good assistant. Everyone wants to be in the film business - but few are willing to put in the work and hours to actually do it.
It really is shocking to see how much work everything is. Down to the tiniest color tweak. It's almost like hazing for a frat. When they tie your junk to a rope - and the other end is a big rock and they throw it over the edge.
It takes a certain type. And we know how to recognize you. Except in LA - cause there are a lot of posers.
More and more - you come to realize that this is a craft. A craft that costs millions of dollars and its not at all about the parties and the stars - its about sweat and hard work and a lot of discipline. If you're not willing to put it in - we have no place for you.
On the other hand - its the greatest job in the world - and you can work with the coolest people in the world. All you have to give up is any semblance of a life and your soul.
Ok... maybe not all of your soul.... :)
Just most of it...
Now... I must write. I can write. I will write myself out of this hole...
While you're writing, could you help us get the Dresden Files a 2nd season?? :D
The fans have a campaign going to contact as much of the media & all of those in power at SciFi & NBC/Universal and influence them to continue the series. Please spread the word. Our website is
7:01 PM
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