This one goes out to the one I love....

Back in our Amish phase...
(we all went through it... you know you did...most of us burned the pictures though...)
It's my wife's birthday.
We're all the way over here in China - so it's her birthday 12 hours earlier than normal. My wife was born on her mother's birthday - how weird is that?
In a month and a half - we will be celebrating our 18th anniversary. Pretty strange...:) We have just passed that mark where we have known each other longer than we haven't. More than half of my life has been spent with this lady.
We met in college.
I remember seeing her in the "Who's new" book my Junior year and thinking she looked hot. (She still does...) All of us upperclassmen looking for the young and naive waifs we could approach and corrupt - or - in most of our cases - get shot down by....
My wife came to school with her high school relationship still going. How long did it take for her to end it? Not too long... :)
But the race is run to the swiftest... and in my case - I lost the sprint. She ended up going out with one of my good friends - probably my oldest friend - and I ended up in the "Ducky" role - the friend she comes to when there was problems. And my - how there was problems.
When it all went bad - who was there to fix the mess? You got it - Mr Rebound... :) Give me your defenseless, tired, weak and hurt - has always been my motto...
She just had one weird stipulation - she said she would only date me if I was interested in marrying her...sigh... cut to 18 years later and two kids later. (In a strange twist of fate - that same "Friend" ended up being best man at our wedding... :) Thanks Bill!)
My wife is the most creative, funny, beautiful, sexy woman I know. It has been my honor to have been her friend and husband for these past years. She has stood by me through some really crappy times and supported me and kicked me when I need it as well. While I will always love her - I actually like her as well. I can think of no one I love being around more, sharing things I find funny with, as well as the things that make me cry.
I have no idea how we found each other - but I feel so blessed to have shared in her life.
I can't imagine mine without her.
Happy Birthday Baby. I love you.
Happy birthday, Ivy. And congratulations, Greg. From one lucky idiot to another.
10:56 PM
is that the same Bill I know?
8:04 AM
You're making me weepy here man.
It's about time I meet the fine young lady who is gacious enough to put up with you, isn't it? When are you coming to VA?
9:49 AM
happy b day ivy!!! from us out in pa :) I am so proud to be a witness to you guys love for so long... my brother is a better man because of you :) I love you guys!
6:48 PM
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