Turning Japanese....

Do you Wii??
So we've made an investment in future technology.
After waiting in Indy for our one and only store - Walmart - to get a Wii - we bit the bullet and bought one here in China.
It comes with the magic chip that lets you play all sorts of fake games that you can buy for the incredible price of a dollar.
as with everything in life -
There is a catch.
Everything on the console is in Japanese. All of it. And there's nothing you can do to change the language except buy a new Wii.
But - the great thing about American ingenuity - my kids already know their way around the machine like a native speaker. They love it.
Which gets to my point.
How great is this thing?
If you like video games - you need to get one. This thing is something everyone can play - and the interactivity makes it that much more fun. Even the simpliest games are really enjoyable.
And you almost exercise while you play. Its really amazing!
On other news:
Nothing back from my actor offer.
Another exec at a nice company read the script and is really into it - has some more ideas on how to get more people involved...
I am sick of editing. I don't want to see another edit room in my life. And yet I still have 2 more days this week and then another 3 weeks next month. I want to cry.
At least I have the wii to come home to....
Oh yeah - and the family....
Dang, Gina. They're keeping you over there forever this time. At least you saw it coming.
12:04 AM
You should buy one of those outfits from the photo and wear it in the editing room. I swear, it'll make you feel better.
Hope you're well.
7:25 PM
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