we are SPARTA!

A general sense of looming danger....
So I have completely forgotten my blogging responsibilities. Its not that I haven't wanted to blog. Or that I haven't had anything to blog. Its just that I haven't blogged.
No real good answer.
Probably Coke. It's the only thing that's changed and it is so deliscious that it is making me forget all of my other responsibilities...
So here's the weird thing.
Shanghai went well. Really well. Uncomfortably well. To the point that I am more nervous now that things are going well than when they were all going down the crapper.
They love the show.
And they love the new footage for the next show. We cut a teaser together of what we shot in March and they ran out of the meeting and gathered the staff to watch it. Everyone was happy.
I brought them a cut reel of some stuff about an hour long and they took lunch to watch that. Then the guy who pimp slapped me on the phone for an hour actually wrote me and told me that everything looked great - and cc'd everyone he was railing me to earlier.
So I guess I'm back to waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I have a new deadline for the new show and there is a ton of work to accomplish between now and then. Too much. While I still have this fateful week to begin it - I then get go fly home Friday - to end the three weeks I've spent here.
Next month looks worse - probably here all month - but I might get to bring out the family - which would be awesome.
Summary of other things:
Had a producer from SF here for the last three days. She's cool - but hyper organized. She left me a "to do" list. I said it was great for me - now I know which things to ignore and in what order...
SF is now actually deferring to me on creative a bit more. They saw the Shanghai reaction and are actually listening to me and letting me lead... very uncomfortable... :)
Finished Michael Chabon's "The Yiddish Policeman's Union." Great book. Fun and interesting and great characters... not entirely sure I understand the ending - but who ever understands the endings of noir stories?
Watched a ton of movies...
Afro Samurai - bloody. Crazy. Fun.
Astronaut Farmer - really enjoyed it. The Polish Brothers are really good.
Breach - another story I wouldn't normally care about made great by good writing directing and acting.
We are Marshall - cried like a baby.
Perhaps Love - Hong Kong musical with a bit of 8 1/2 thrown in. Really fun.
I'm a Cyborg, but that's OK - romantic comedy by the best Korean director ever.
And in the meantime - I plow ahead on scripts.
I feel the pressure. I see the deadline. I'm winning the race....
But I feel that damn seal breathing down my neck like nobodies business...
Gotta keep running....
But the pressing question, of course, is, "Have you watched DISMAL?"
10:02 AM
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