And by retarded....

I mean able to do anything in the world... (sarah silverman quote)
I am an idiot.
Not that you wouldn't know that if you come here with any regularity... but I feel the need to state the obvious every now and then.
A big idiot.
The whole point of scripts is that your characters go on a journey. On the road - they face many hardships - and are pushed beyond belief right to the edge... and then something miraculous happens.
They change.
They are not the person they were before... and the world is somehow different because of this amazing transformation.
Well. I would be a really crappy character.
Regardless of what I know or what I learn - I am like a dog to his vomit.
I don't change. I don't change. I don't change.
I see the problem coming. I hear the door open for me to step in and get in trouble. I recognize it for what it is... and I walk right through - dancing a jig on top of my common sense.
Today went well. Great VO session. Great ADR session. Everything perfect - and they actually got along with me and everything was right with the world.
Then we went to dinner. Cause I can't leave well enough alone.
They picked a Russian place. No problem there...
And then we went about talking business. And they brought up their boss. The guy who got on the phone with my company and told a bunch of lies. The guy who tried to get me fired... but didn't succeed... yet.
They said it was really all a big misunderstanding.
And here's where the door opened. If I was smart... I would have just smiled. I would have shoved another bite of salmon in my craw and gone to my happy place.
Instead.... I said...
By misunderstanding do you mean him getting on the phone with my boss and telling lies?
And they said...
Well. Lets not call it lies. Just a misunderstanding.
Oh no. There was no misunderstanding. Except for classifying it as a misunderstanding. Because it was lies.
Uncomfortable silence.
Well - they said - thats something personal. We can't let it effect our business.
Don't worry - I said - it won't effect our business. But it is personal. And I won't work with him or for him because he came after me. And my family.
And then I stand on the table - fork and knife in hand -
Ok... so the last part is false. But it might as well have been true by the look on their faces.
So the countdown to the end of my job continues...
Anybody looking for a really honest producer/director who speaks Chinese?
Oh...why'd you have to say the last bit wasn't true - it was the best part.
9:49 PM
Are you willing to work for no money? I can find stuff for you to do if you can live on cat food.
11:55 AM
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