Middle Finger Vs World

I think I'm getting paranoid.
Getting, you ask?
Work has gotten crazy again. I am back in China in the middle of my edit. Shanghai execs were to show up yesterday - but only the underling came. Good guy. Smart guy. But every time we would make a change - down to the color of a font - he was on the phone calling it in to his boss to get approval.
And back at home they are yelling at me for things I don't have yet.
Like a script.
If only I had more time in my day. But I think giving 12 hours a day is more than enough.
So since I last told my "peer" that I felt she was doing all she could to control me instead of help me - I have been bumped back up the ladder again to my Big Boss - who sent me an email today asking for everything that my "peer" didn't get from me.
Next week, my "peer" will be here in China - hanging out with me all week.
I've been reading this really fascinating book "Why they Kill" by Richard Rhodes.
I spent 10 years working on cop show for the Discovery Channel and filmed murders in every state except Nebraska. I felt like I had a pretty good bead on murder - but never really could get to the motivations behind things. And that was what fascinated me. While I firmly believe we all have the capacity for doing great evil - most of us have some element of control over our most base impulses.
But the book - done in coordination with an outstanding criminologist - really breaks down why people kill.
And it talks about people who are prone to violent behavior and how they read each and every situation different than those who don't.
Of course if you are getting on a 14 hour flight - the last person you want to sit next to is the guy reading that book.
Back to the grind. Trying to make people happy - but it never seems to work that way... :)
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