Happy Easter

In keeping with tradition - here's my Easter Post.
If you read here with any regularity - you see I'm a typical self absorbed selfish dork who happens to love film and the community that surrounds it. I love my friends and my family.
But I usually complain about everything else.
Can't stand most of the executives that I've worked with - excluding those who love my work - you guys are great.
Most of the time - this blog addresses all the things that tick me off and this gives me a place to vent and whine...
But Easter is a great day. A day of hope for humanity. Hope for a sinner like me.
While I would never presume to be something I am not - I certainly have no problem humbly addressing who I am.
A habitual sinner in need of grace and saving.
Every day I fall short of the standard set by God and some days I not only fall short myself - but I bring others down as well. I don't consider my situation enough. I don't reflect enough. I don't do what I should. Some days I don't even try.
But I know that 2000 years ago - someone died for me - and took my sin on himself.
And I am not worthy of it. And I don't appreciate it near enough. And sometimes I don't even say thanks.
The great thing is that God loved me while I was still an idiot.
While I was still a dork.
While I'm still a dork.
An unworthy ungrateful dork.
And no matter what nonsense I still perpetrate - I can't change his love.
Doesn't matter what we have - its not enough and will never be.
Doesn't matter where we are - its not where we want to be and never will be.
We always want more.
God forgive my foolish and unthankful heart.
On this day help me be mindful.
Help me grateful.
Help me show grace and love to others.
Thank you for your love, grace, and sacrifice.
Hehehe... Not that I should be laughing after reading a very nice post like this, but I can't decide if that bunny's demonic or drunk.
12:05 AM
I'm gonna go with drunk. If it were demonic I'd be terrified. And I am not terrified.
Yes I am also afraid of costumed bunnies. And Santa Clause.
But not as much as clowns.
Happy Easter.
1:00 AM
honesty,refreshing reflectful and insightful....happy easter
12:13 PM
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