Whacktose Intolerant

Still Standing.
Yesterday was good. Nice even. Four big scenes and they all went off fine.
I did my interview and did great. No problems.
Had 50+ extras for a big scene - it was beautiful. Annie did great.
I really don't have anything to complain about. 3 big days of shooting - tons of people and tons of sets - and everything went good. A few little spats here and there - but good for the most part.
It's hard for people to understand that things can be different in a foreign country. It's hard for them to understand that just because its the way we do it - doesn't mean it's right. And because they do it differently - or have a different aesthetic - they are wrong.
That's why I bring over John and Bill. They have shot with me in China three times and know what we're up against. They understand what it takes to get stuff done here and know what we need to bring good stuff back.
If you just come over from the states and try to make things be like they are there - its a losing battle.
We have a bit of a break today as they move sets from one studio to the other. I'm going over to an editing meeting soon - then its three more days of shooting.
Ivy got home safely - thank God.
When she left - she told me her cell phone wasn't charged - so there was no way to reach her - and no way for her to call if she had trouble. I put her in a cab and then - stupidly - told the driver that she doesn't know the airport - so if he could please point her in the right direction - and that she doesn't speak Chinese - so if he wanted to abduct her and sell her into slavery - she wouldn't be able to stop him or tell anyone what was going on.
And then we saw there was an earthquake in Japan - right where she was flying to first.
Then - an hour into the shoot I noticed I had two missed calls - because I thought I had put my phone on vibrate - but instead - I turned the ringer off.
And I couldn't call the numbers back because they were from the states - almost as if she was somewhere where she could ask someone if she could borrow their cell phone for a second to call her husband only seconds before they started to harvest her organs...
Needless to say - I was happy she made it back. And not to have that hanging over my head.
So far - disater averted. Sigh. I know what I need to cheer me up...
Bootleg DVD's.
ivy is home!!!!!! she is more beautiful than any chinese movie star!!!!you are a lucky man:)
11:28 AM
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