Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It's true...

Or so I'm told...

We went out for Korean BarBQ the other night.

And we had Dog.

I am the hugest dog lover in the world. If I had to kill and skin a dog - there is no way on earth I could.

But put it on a plate in front of me - with the dirty work already done....

Let him who is without sin...

We have a girl who works for us. Her name is Star and she is a fashion major. Dresses really crazy - but she is super cool. She told me the other day one of her favorite things to eat is dog meat.

Now everytime we see a puppy I ask her if she is hungry.

She just smiles.

She is making a skirt for my wife. When I told her that Star loves dog - she didn't want her dirty fingers covered in the blood of innocent puppies anywhere near anything she would put on her body.

But - like the poster says - puppies die. And if they are already dead - why not eat them?

This is my last full day in China. Lots of meetings. This morning our DP hit the road and tonight - out Art Director is gone. I am here alone.

Utterly Alone.

I have more meetings and then that's it.

As much as I love China - I surely do love my wife and kids more and don't recommend anyone being on the road for a month straight. I can't wait to be back home.

Even if it means I turn around and head right back.

But what is one to do?


Off to meetings.

And if you want the Chinese to stop eating dogs - stop sticking things in your....


Blogger japhy99 said...

There's just something unsettling about thinking about puppies dying because of anal intrusion and then immediately thinking about you eating puppies.

Disturbing. Thanks a lot.

11:19 AM


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