Daddy's gonna pay

...For your crashed car....
We're done shooting.
The last three days were long. Not long in the sense that the hours were long - but long in the sense that they never seemed to end or go quick enough.
Normally - I love production. I live for production.
But the last three days.... not so much.
On Saturday - Director Hu didn't show up in the morning.
When I asked where he was - they told me he had to rush to the hospital. His father has been there since Chinese New Year - but he suddenly took a turn for the worst and didn't look like he would make it. Director Hu is 52. I'm not sure how old his dad is - but I can imagine what he's going through.
I took time to pray for him and his family.
His dad is still alive - and doing a bit better - but they don't have much hope.
On the crazy side - Director Hu has a guy that his job is to look after his dad full time. While in the hospital - Director Hu's dad - who is very lucid - pulled him aside and told his son that he really hates that guy who is watching him and wants him to go.
Director Hu sent the guy out to buy something.
As soon as the guy left - His dad started crashing. He got worse and worse - until the guy got back. And then he suddenly recovered. And the pattern continued all weekend.
God has a strange sense of humor.
We all feel helpless in the sight of death and suffering - and culturally - I wasn't sure what we were supposed to do - flowers? What? But we were told to do nothing - cause it didn't seem like he would make it. So I prayed. Mostly for the family.
Another thing that got me through the shoot was two massive dog beasts.
They don't treat their animals very well over here. Usually - if you see dogs - they are dirty, unfed, and chained up.
The studio has two giant dogs chained up outside in the back to keep people from stealing stuff. And when I say giant - I'm guessing the smaller of the two dogs is about 130.
They told me not to go near them cause they bite.
So of course - I go near them.
Everytime there was a break in filming - I would go out and talk to the little one. Again - little being about 130.
He would snarl and bark and froth - but I just kept talking to him in a high pitched voice - trying to calm him down.
Eventually - he would hear me coming and get all excited. But each time I got close - he would start snapping - so I stayed just out of reach of his chain.
I found a tennis ball that had been cut to be on top of a C stand - and brought it to him. I would throw it in the air - and he would catch it.
Then proceed to rip it to shreds like it was my flesh.
Eventually I could coax him to drop it and push it towards me. Day two we played this game a few times - with him dropping it closer and closer in - and me being a bit nervous to try to take it.
Yesterday - i brought him a waterbottle - since he ate the tennis ball.
We played with that a bit - until I finally got close enough to pet him. Then he loved me. He would shove his whole dirty body against me and cry as I pet him. My hands would be black from dirt when I was done - but it was worth it.
The funniest part was later - the owner came out. Saw that I loved his dogs. And he let them loose to run around a bit in the back.
The little dog - 130 - brought me a brick. I kid you not. He brough over a brick and we played fetch with a brick.
How silly is that? A freaking brick.
Welcome to China.
Today we go to the transfer. Should be a good day. Will be nice to see our footage.
I can't wait to go home - but still have 4 days. Will have been here a month - and they want me to come back for another month. Don't think I will. Or want.
But for now - I'm still cleaning up the pieces of this accident.
Tomorrow's will have to wait.
Great post. I really enjoyed that. You always find the best photos, too.
Hope you're doing well.
11:34 PM
we are all looking forward to your comming home... amazing what changes in a month. no baby yet on the victa front and be prepared for kid craziness on sunday... but most importantly i am proud of you, i miss you and cant wait to see you!luv -d
4:36 PM
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