Whatever doesn't kill me...

Still hurts like hell.
(Can you imagine trying to market a Russian Roulette toy here in America? Gotta love the Japanese... :))
So didn't blog yesterday. I know. Sorry. I was still jet lagged on Sunday - wonder why? I tried, but couldn't go to sleep on Sunday night. I finally fell into bed at 2:30 - but had to be up at 3:30 to be at the airport by 5 to catch the plane by 6 to get to SF by 9....
She swallowed the cat to catch the spider - she swallowed the spider to catch the fly...
I don't know why she swallowed the fly... I guess she'll die.
I show up here and immediately the boss wants to see me. Corporate wants my company's sign off before they push this big celebrity shoot through - and my company wants a bunch of reports from me - as well as all the creative and budgets and schedule - all by the end of the day.
I'm going on an hour sleep by this point.
I grab a Full Throttle and jump in. 2 hours later - my hands are shaking so bad I can't type.
I produce a hell of a lot of paper work - and by the end of the day - I still don't have it all.
There are a couple people in my professional life that I just can't get a bead on.
I have interviewed people around the world for different shows. I've directed all sorts of actors - and I feel as if I can sit with a person and at least get a feel for where they are coming from and what they need to understand me and me them.
My old Boss at Discovery was crazy. You couldn't tell if he was going to tell you he loved you or if he would throw something at you. Often in the same meeting.
My new boss here is not that bad - but what they like to do here is have you come in and tell them what you are doing and they will immediately jump in - as you are pitching - and tell you why you're an idiot.
Like I need her to tell me that. That's what my wife is for... :)
I had one of the creative directors looking over my pitch before my boss showed up and she was there as I had to pitch the thing on the fly.
It started out horrible - with my Boss jumping on everything telling me what I was missing - how this had nothing to do with that - how I was just not getting it... and then it started to come around - and maybe because I survived the volley of blows and still kept standing - she finally understood what I was talking about - and she decided I was ok.
Or maybe she wants me to really fail badly so she can fire me.
She called corporate and told them that they thought we were ready - that the creative was good - and that it would cost more. But they should be ready for that. And now corporate has to run it up the tree - but we are 90% there.
Go figure.
I still am not sure what happened. The creative director just kept saying - wow... that was awesome. I felt like I had to talk someone down off a building - and I'm still not sure if they jumped or not.
Either way - looks like were heading back to China for a big shoot.
Now I just need more sleep.
Was it the Full Throttle Fest that made you not stop during the pitch when he was saying no?
Man, I gotta get some of that stuff...
2:47 PM
my dear, dear brother...
Law 22
Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power
When you are weaker, never fight for honor’s sake; choose surrender instead. Surrender gives you time to recover, time to torment and irritate your conqueror, time to wait for his power to wane. Do not give him the satisfaction of fighting and defeating you – surrender first. By turning the other check you infuriate and unsettle him. Make surrender a tool of power.
11:47 PM
Don't tell me...33 Laws of War.
Mace works well too.
1:43 AM
... Go you?
Or whatever the appropriate encouragement/rallying cry is for your success/failure in dealing with irrational and incomprehensible management.
Go you.
5:00 AM
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