Call on a Higher Power

I can see this guy dragging your ass to church - but what I really want to know -
what could he possibly have to say or sing on an album?
Takes, Takes, Takes.
Any writer knows - there is really nothing harder than breaking a story. Well maybe except writing the story. And then rewriting the story. And then fixing the rewrite.
Ok. Well, maybe it isn't the hardest thing. But it is still a hard thing.
I've had this story almost a month. I really buckled down and broke a whole story for it - because that is what they want you to do - and yesterday was D-day.
The BIG PRODUCER is nothing if not a nice and gracious person. This is a guy who works at a TOP COMPANY at one of the BIGGEST STUDIOS in town. He has 3-4 pictures shooting at a time. He slotted me for the only pitch he was taking this week. All his other meetings were with projects already shooting, already prepping, or already posting.
We were supposed to get on the phone at 2:30 EST. First call, we were told we were delayed for 10 minutes. Then - we got delayed again for 40 minutes. I was told he was on the phone with the STUDIO HEAD so it was understandable - and he couldn't cut the guy off.
So I was on ice. Like calling time out when you're about to shoot a free throw. I was thinking the whole call might be delayed - or - he would only have a couple minutes before he had to go to lunch - and so we might get really rushed.
I had my story down. Spent time with Blair and Ralph going over the pitch - even pitched it to my wife and she actually stayed interested. I felt pretty good - abeit very nervous - seeing as how this would sort of solve all of my problems. Actually getting a job writing would keep me from having to get a job working...Which would be a great thing...
So we made small talk -
And I was off to the races. For 20-25 minutes - I took him through the whole movie - beat by beat. Occasionally he would ask questions - and he wrote down copious notes. I was feeling pretty good - and thought I did a good job - and the story held together nicely. Once I was done - he spent about 10 minutes asking me questions - finding holes in the story and talking about the things he liked and the things he didn't.
In the end - this was not the story he wanted.
He liked a lot of little character moments - but not the big complicated action sequences. Which is really interesting - because this guys company is all about loud bombastic action movies...
But he was nothing but gracious. His criticism of certain points stung a bit - and I explained - at first - the logic behind a few of the choices - but once I smelled the writing on the wall - I just listened and made notes.
He said he really appreciated how much work I did on the project - but it really was not the way he wanted to go. I asked if I could get another shot - and he was all for it. He said he was sure there would be other projects - but if I wanted to take another shot at this - he was all for it.
We spent another 30 minutes talking about the direction he wanted to go - and by the time I was off the phone - we had talked for an hour and a half. I don't know if he was humoring me or not - but I know that his time is money - and he wouldn't have "wasted" that much time if he didn't think it was worth it...
Or at least that's what I tell myself when I cry myself to sleep at night.
So after all that build up - I didn't get the job. But I did further a relationship. And if I keep blowing takes with this guy - eventually he is gonna feel so guilty - he will give me work... At least that's my master plan...
In a strange bit of turnabout - when I hung up the phone in utter defeat - I had an email waiting. It was from a company that was looking for writers on Mandy. Granted, they had done some really crazy looking films - but it was work.
They wrote me and asked for a script from one of my Discovery Channel shows. So I sent one off... Maybe that will open the door to more low budget TV work...
But work is work.
Another interesting day today. I conference call with the mini-major to talk about the fate of our film and if there is a future in light of STAR1 dropping out - or not.
I am praying that Mike Crain can put in a good word with the man upstairs...Or at least karate chop an angel for me...
Look at you, my little Fist of Fury! You done good -- with exactly the right attitude. You gave him a good story, he was interested in a different tone, you stay connected to give him one in a different tone.
A weaker writer would've gotten pissed and slinked away.
You're gonna make it. And then you'll stop taking my calls. It always happens that way.
2:55 PM
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