Everytime I think I'm out...

They puuuuuullllll me back in.
So I guess I just thought I was done.
Oh yeah... I'm back in China.
Went in yesterday to start back in on my new show - when I found out the old one still has a lot of work. It's not enough to get clearances from SF and LA and Shanghai - we also gotta clear the Commercial board of China - and legal - and then every individual station.
So its almost like starting over.
New graphics.
New voice over.
New rules.
And - like the domino it is - it all effects my next show.
Did I say how much fun this is?
On the cool side - at this time next week - my family will be on their way here. I think. My wife called the passport place today to make sure everything was on the up and up and they said the kids stuff was in process... but did she send her passport? My wife reminded them that she did... and they did the real quick...
yeah... um. let me call you back....
and never did.
So I hope that they will be on their way.
And one more - for all of you who've been around since my movie fell apart...
It still lives!
Talked with one of the producers last week. He was sending it out to some more people. We hit one of the names that has been top of my list for awhile - since the beginning really - and told them about the project and about our troubles with a certain actor. Funny - they said - we went through the same thing with him on another project. Go figure. So they're reading the script now.
As well as others.
We talked about scaling back and trying to do it for pennies on the dollar again...
I just want to do something else... so that sounds deliscious to me... but I'm not counting any chickens.
Funny to think that two years ago - while I was slowly starving and putting in all that work - I had a film green lit and ready to go. Now here I am in China - and yesterday I got a call from Shawn - my longest producer - who was in Norway -making real bank.
The world changes and the world stays the same.
Back to the world of ridiculous change though. Gotta start cutting again... :)
Ah the movie resurfaces! I knew it would -- good news.
Who needs dollars when you've got pennies!
10:21 PM
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