Dentist, Day 2

My Dentist don't mess around.
I arrive - and he has me in the chair within two minutes.
There is a sticky note on the instrument tray that has my name and exactly what he needs to do.
By minute three - there are two Q-tips full of mysterious gel sticking in my cheeks where I am about to be given shots.
By minute 5 - Dentist grabs his giant needle - and jerks my head to the side while he says the same thing he said yesterday - "Doesn't hurt as much when you go slow. Don't worry. We haven't killed anyone....this week."
I don't smile. His fingers are in my mouth.
Then he leaves.
My dad says he goes to his office and plays video games. I wouldn't know. I sit still for 3 minutes - letting the drugs run their course as I fight back the panic.
Then he returns and starts the drill.
I made some sort of mistake. I had the new Arcade Fire CD playing on my ipod. And it just wasn't loud and continuous enough to block out the sound of the drill. I quickly started scanning through the artists to try to track down the new Spoon CD.
He tried to shove the drill in - and I said something like...
Wahhha mimmmmummm
I meant to say
Wait a minute...
He sat back, exasperated.
"Hurry up. We're on a schedule here!"
Wow. Superdentist must have been in a real hurry to get back to that solitaire game.
I found Spoon - closed my eyes and went to my happy place.
I was in and out in under 30 minutes.
He's McDentist. Faster than the speed of light.
Silly really.
Came home and passed out again. Woke up in time for the art show at the place where my daughter takes lessons. The artist has a gallery on the lake - and teaches two adult classes and one kids class. My kid was the only one showing tonight.
She is really great - as any good parent would say... :)
But the thing I love about the class is that art is more than putting pen or brush to paper... its about how you see the world. Just to think of things in terms of color and shadow - it opens up a lot. Don't know if she will stick with it or not - but I love to see how she processes what she learns...
And Cleveland kicks Detroit in Game 5. Double Overtime. How you like that?
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