where did the day go?

Fun day. Nothing to do day. Play in the sun Day.
Sunday was a sadder day for me.
I hate to complain about being in China with so many things to do and see - but I spent the day locked in my room in a Veronica Mars marathon. I finished up season one in the morning - got through a good chunk of season two in the afternoon.
It was a great day out - but I didn't want to do anything. Unless it involved my family - but they are a couple thousand miles away. Would be better if Bill and John were here... but alas.
Hogan invited me out to meet a friend of his - a canadian guy who is a professor here and was apparently a famous hypnotist back home - but I didn't want to.
I left the room only to go over to a friends shop to buy a few more T-shirts, since my laundry won't be ready till Tuesday.
Two strange things from the weekend.
On my way to work on Saturday - I saw a girl lean her head outside of a bus window and puke all over the road. I quickly rolled my window up as we passed.
There is a park here near the dirt market. It is filled with old people - like in their 70s and 80s. They bring their birds out for a walk there. There are trees full of cages - covered cages, cause you wouldn't want the birds to get cold... or to see what their missing apparently. The seniors just sit around and talk while the birds stare at their coverings and wonder why they are suddenly so hot or so cold...
I got in the elevator with a guy the other day. Chinese guy. Dressed all cool. Probably in his mid forties... but a sharply dressed modern guy - even had a little soul patch.
But he had a matching mole. With a shocking amount of long grey hairs growing out of it. Like - 2 to 3 inches worth of hair. It really contrasted to his all black ensemble.
What is the deal with the mole hair? This isn't Kung Fu times anymore... I find it to be a bit ... I don't know what the right word is... Icky? I'm sure I'm just being incredibly culturally insensitive... but its kinda gross. Moles only look good on Cindy Crawford. And she has the decency to shave hers....
Back to work today. More editing on the notes from Shanghai. Nothing too serious. Actually pretty good notes. So I don't have much of a problem with them. Just have to see how long we are and if we really will be able to get everything done this week.
We shall see.
Here's another one from Pappa Hemingway:
"Tell me first what are the things, the actual, concrete things that harm a writer?"
"Politics, women, drink, money, ambition. And the lack of politics, women, drink, money and ambition," I said profoundly.
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