Hungry much?

Took my sleeping pills last night - but they only worked part way.
Woke up at 3. Wanted to sleep again - but my brain started racing around the ideas I'm working on and wouldn't let me settle down.
So here I am.
Arrived at 4 yesterday. Uneventful trip - just narrowly escaped Chicago before the snow storm. Slept most of the way - but did have time to watch one movie - INVINCIBLE - on the plane. WOW! I am a sucker for emotional films - especially when away from the family - and I found myself getting a bit teary during a couple scenes. Great movie - and it's just barely about football. Can't wait to watch it again...
Wow. Can't believe I said that... :)
Also watched the Matador yesterday during my 5 hour layover in Chicago. Fun film. Weirdly structured - but great performances from Pierce and Greg.
I was going to join the Director as soon as I hit the ground for the annual Friday night Basketball game - but it didn't work out. I got dressed and went for a cab - but there was some sort of big wig shindig here at the hotel and the cab line was long. I waited for 20 minutes - and froze to death. Dang it's cold here. The wind comes down off the Gobi dessert from Siberia and freezes everything in its path.
Me included. I just went back to the room and fell asleep.
Today we have a morning meeting on the state of the shoot. Bill comes in tonight and I get him to hook up with the Chinese Art Director and we'll see how things work.
In the mean time - I've been writing again. And I'm going back to it now.
More from China later....
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