That's the sound of the men.... Working on the chain...Gang.

Hi Hoooooo!
Had a quick second yesterday to take these shots of my fellow workers. Even though we haven't seen daylight in a couple days - one or two of the fellows actually were able to twist their face into a smile - its just hard to tell from these shots.
Tommy and Bill are really great guys. I have heard from Onka that he feels they run the best sweat shop in the area. At least they let you sleep on the floor for 45 minutes a night - and give you one juice box a day.
So I've heard.
Yesterday was a really long day. Drove the four hours down here and jumped right in. We spent the morning making a 7 foot high 6 foot wide number "20." I think that is Richard Petty's racing number? In the commercial, the bushes in a front yard turn into his number - and the other shrubs turn into a Nascar. We are making a mold of that car today.
Have I mentioned that I am really stupid about tools and building?
It was decided yesterday that I would better serve the art team by not being there. It was sort of like Survivor - and I was voted out of the shop. After spending an hour staring at how to nail together a three sided platform - I was sent shopping. And each time I returned - I was sent out again. I made 4 or 5 trips - getting all sorts of stuff. Some stuff twice. And today I get to return stuff that I got wrong yesterday... :)
But I did kick ass on cutting chicken wire. So there you go.
Got back to the room at about 11 last night. And the great thing about being here is that I really get to live out my fantasy of what it would be like to sleep in the same room as Bill. Luckily - I was so tired - I passed out before he came back. So no late night slumber party stories yet.
As we ate our salads last night - got to watch the girlish figures - Tommy Bill and I reminisced about our very first shoot together. Nice to laugh and think back of the pain and hardship that I caused them. Talking to Shawn yesterday - he said it was great that Tommy and Bill hired me - cause they were paying me back for all the work that I got them over the years...
But in truth - I think the jobs I gave them were horrible. They basically were tortured. Bill remembered that job as the hardest job he has ever had. Tommy remembered falling off an 8 foot ladder at full extention - twice - in under an hour.
And now, I think they just wanted a chance to return the favor.
Honestly - they just need to know how much family appreciates being able to eat. And they are great for doing their part to make that happen. Being here reminds me once again - that in truth - the director can be the biggest idiot on the set.
And that idiot is me... But just not for this shoot. I like to spread my stupidity around for the world to see...
Well - even though my option has officially run out with the mini-major... They still want to be involved if we can get a package back together. Talked with my MONEY producer - and almost got in a fight. And she better watch it - cause my nails are getting longer...
Actually found out that STAR1 was making moves to try to get back in the film. The movie he left mine to do fell through - and he was talking to people about coming back. I thought it was funny. No one wants him back anyway.
DOGSTAR is still interested. Reaching out through my agent to his manager - we found out that he might be cool with working with a first time director too. Although as much as I tell people that I am not a first timer - no one gives a rats ass about TV. All they care about is film. Blah blah blah...
My agents still want me to sell - unless I can get a big star like this and do it at Mini-major. Which seems like it is still a possibility.
MONEY producer says she really likes me as the director - but the truth is - she doesn't. So go figure.
My other producing partner just returned from his film in Alaska. He want me to direct - and is ready to go for it. Just jump in and shoot - wherever. He told me last night we should just get some cash and head to Prague...
It is a nice waiting game.
My dad is still in the hospital. The infection in his knee might have spread to his heart. We are finding out today what the results of the tests are. Praying hard he will be fine.
And on a happy note: My youngest transformer loving son graduated from kindergarten. He was pumped that he is now a first grader.
My daughter - who had talked about nothing else but getting out of school for the summer - cried hard that she was done with forth grade. I asked her why she was crying cause she always said she hates school and she told me:
I don't know. I must be crazy.
Let that be a lesson and a warning for all boys everywhere. It starts young.
Well. Gotta go. Save my strength. I'll finish up my meal of banana peel and bread crumbs and hit the line.
it starts young
12:45 PM
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