Flashback Friday

This takes me back - back to when I sang like an angel and looked the part.
See - we had a family of four boys. But someone told us to appeal to the hardcore church audience - having a girl in the family would really open up our demographic. Not that I understood that at the time.
I just knew that whichever one of us boys acted up the most - that "bad" boy got to be the one to wear the dress at the next town. Being a "bad" boy meant that you had to spend an extra ten minutes getting ready - getting your hair "done." That "bad" boy had to wear high heels. That "bad" boy had to handle the leers and stares of strange sweaty men...
And was it my fault that my hair took the curl the best? Was it my fault that I looked "foxy" in the dress? Was it my fault that I could take the solo in "What a friend..." and bring tears to the congregations eyes like no other?
Sure. After a couple years, we all wanted to be the "bad" boy.
But in the end - there could be only one "Connie" Cooper...and here you see "her" in all her photographic glory.
Whenever it gets a little crazy - I pull out that old dress - jam my body like an old ladies foot into a too tight shoe - and sing my heart out as I cry for a childhood that is long gone.
Other times - I simple put on the Cooper Family album and smoke crack - smiling at the bittersweet innocence of youth lost forever.
Spent the morning with "Mr Cooper" at the doctor's yesterday. They pulled four syringes of fluid off his knee. The pain is almost gone - and now he is just stiff. I'm heading over today to spend some time with him while Mom runs out to the store. He should be back up and around in the next day or two. Hard to see the man in pain - but thank God he is getting better.
Still slightly decompressing from the shoot. At least that is what I tell myself. Need to be writing - but instead - I am lost in my thoughts.
Mini Major said they have decided that while DOGSTAR and STAR 6 are good substitutes for STAR1 and STAR2 - they don't want to pony up any more cash. So we are in an interesting position. My other producer says she will have the cash to make a deal - but she doesn't have it yet. Two more weeks.
My agents really just want me to sell the script. They sent me another project the other day - based on characters from a comic that has never been written. Oh my goodness - it is bad. Bad like I can't describe. Bad like I can't read it without groaning and laughing out loud.
But I am sure that's what they thought about Spiderman when it first came out - so who knows....
Maybe I am not made to do "takes." Maybe I need to do originals and let the other stuff pass me by.
BTW - Wife and I watched Lost last night - Sweet Mary! That show is just getting better and better. It leveled off there in the middle of the season - but the last half was incredible.... What the hell is gonna happen next?
Well each new day is a new opportunity to get something done. So enough with the jibber jabber. I'm off to surf the internet... Peace out!
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