Thursday, May 18, 2006

The truth hurts


How the heck? I get no respect...

Is it just me - or is the quality bar for good writing getting raised all the time?

TV is just ridiculous.

24 and Lost - are you kidding me? Have you been paying attention? For the love of all that is Holy - get yourself in front of the set on Mondays and Wednesdays. Talk about quality. Talk about suspense. Talk about heart-wrenching human emotion. And twists...These shows have everything you want and more. My wife and I jump up and down and yell at the TV - and freak out that there is only a week left on both shows...

Two two hour season wrap ups next week... WOW!

Out of all the advantages of being unemployed are tallied up - getting to watch TV whenever you want rates pretty high...

I've enjoyed watching these shows way way more that most films I have seen this year. And that makes me really sad. But I have a lot of hope for some of the big movies this summer.

As for today:

Regrouping. We are talking about starting over with the film. Mini-major still seems willing to stick with us - although I have no idea what they would say if I announced that I was directing. (But I have a good idea....NO!) We got a list of names that would be acceptable to make offers to that they think are equal to STAR1 - but none that I can imagine doing it for that money - except one - and I have called their production company.

Today - I talk with ICM about some of their talent and seeing if I can fill out the cast with some other heavy hitters. Also have a call with an exec at Sam Raimi's company. He is a really great guy - loved my script - and I am calling more for advice than anything else.

Had a really fun call with one of my PRODUCER's yesterday. I have explained how she is really great and a firm supporter of this film. I also said how she was a friend of the DIRECTOR that wanted me to do a take on his crazy film - and then told me I would never make it in this town...

Well here is something funny and ironic.

He loves my script. And when he found out that we might ditch the director - he told my PRODUCER friend that he would love to do it. In fact - he had 3-4 million he could bring to the project.

Isn't it ironic? Don't ya think? A little too ironic....

Naturally - as she told me the story - I stayed silent. But inside - I was smiling. She told him he better give me a call and make nice...

Whatever. He is still on my list. (Shawn knows what I mean... )


Funny business.

Well - back to the pimp slapping. I need to have something to show to Ryan tonight. Lots of lose ends - and I gotta put it all together.

Till then - I gotta get my ass to church...


Blogger Sarlizgd said...

Hope you enjoy your season finales next week. The bad thing about college is that during the year there is not time for primetime tv, and when you get home for the summer that is all there is to do... but since you haven't been keepin up you are completly lost when you try to watch say... Lost or something. It's sad. But there are plenty of quality, R-rated movies to watch that I'm denied at school. Hooray for Netflix.

2:45 PM


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