Are you ready for battle?

Foul Demons of Anxiety, Demi-gods of Apathy and Dragons of Laziness - I come to meet you on the fields of War. May the ground run red with the blood of our engagement!
It's rare I give you photographic evidence of my mental state - but I figure - how better to grease the wheels of inspiration that to meet them head on - in costume - no less. And while beating my computer with a plastic sword has not really helped me to write better - I feel a heck of a lot more happy... :)
And for those who are wondering - the best way to keep the ID badge from chaffing is a little lube on the backside of the laminate.
And for those also wondering - yes. Those are my abs. 2 sits ups a day and a lot of vomiting after meals. What?!
It's OK to be jealous...
So here is the thing:
Yeah. I complain. So sue me. It's what we do. And people come on here - some I know - some I don't - thinking - hey - this guy sure bitches a lot. About the same thing. Wah wah... My movie this, my movie that...
Some have even suggested I get off my ass and write more - and yes - this is good advice.
But by way of defense - here is the thing. I never wanted to be a writer. I was a moderately successful Producer Director - even if it was in crappy TV. I have had more that 100 hours of TV on the air with my name on it. But it wasn't what I wanted. I dreamed of the brass ring of feature production. So I left all that behind and wrote a script - cause I couldn't find one that I wanted to do.
And that's where the trouble started.
My script got passed around - I got agents and managers - and now I am seen as a writer. And since that happened - I haven't made a cent... :)
So I am sorta backwards...I have to find producing and directing jobs to support my writing habit. Go figure.
Thanks to David I actually have a job next week directing a pilot for a cable channel. He called me yesterday and asked what I am doing today - cause we thought it would go quick - but now it looks like next week.
So the kids can eat something other than Vienna sausages and spam next month.
Maybe we can splurge and get some Mac and Cheese...
Today is a fun day. I get to pimp slap my idea around a bit and start putting it to paper.
If you happen to stop by David's blog - he has a great post about what a script really is. As a producer and director - you learn about everything that goes into a production. And what makes something work and come alive.
I really believe that if it is not on the page - it won't be there when you film. But man - a great director, an art director - a sound guy - the editor - the dp... That actor... Wow! They sure can make things jump up and dance. I have seen my best words come out of the mouth of a bad actor and cry at how horrible it is - and seen flat on the nose dialog come out of the mouth of a good actor and sound like Mamet...So while the page is where is starts - there are a lot of things that go into a project to make it come to life.
Here is a perfect example. This is Sorkin's new show on NBC about the behind the screen life at a Saturday Night Live type show.
All I can say is WOW. He is a great writer. But look at this cast. Listen to the way they talk. And see how this 6 minute clip sets up all the tension you would ever need for 22+episodes.
That is why he gets to get caught with crack and ecstasy in a hotel room of hookers and not skip a beat creatively - and I get to cook up spam.
Ok. Back to the grind...
Hey, properly conceived and executed, spam can be a quite illuminating dish.
Enjoy the pimp slapping -- and save a little slap for Star2's people. They're gonna need one when it's time to eat crow.
Or spam. Or whatever.
9:54 AM
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