O Superman... Why?

Superman! I thought you were here to save me...
I don't know what exactly there is to say.
We got an email from the agents of STAR2.
Now granted - these ladies have always been a little old school and a little sensitive. They not only like to remind you that you are nothing - they like to step on you like a used cigarette butt while they do.
They have announced that since STAR1 is off the film - so is STAR2. He is no longer keeping our time slot open and he is no longer attached to the film. This is really no surprise - because they have taken several opportunities to tell us the same thing - over and over. But - STAR2 has always come back to say - hey - don't worry. He is attached. Don't get crazy. So I think this is posturing again.
But it does open another can of worms.
Talking with the Mini-major last week - they reiterated how much they love the script and how committed they are to the script - but the truth is that the option runs out at the end of the month - and I doubt they will want to buy the script or even option it again without any firm commitments - because a great script is not enough... And a mediocre one like mine can easily slip through the cracks.
My producer friend last night seemed much more confident that she is getting her money and will be ready to move forward on this project - but I still haven't broached that fact that I might want to direct - especially if we have lost all our talent. So that is another bridge to be crossed.
I ignored my agent last week - after my take went bad - and hadn't talked to him about the possibilities of taking the script wide again and seeing who we get to look at buying it. I talked to him last night - and I could tell he was chomping at the bit to get his hands on it.
So it gets really hard to tell what is the right thing to do.
My wife says its easy. Just take the option that gets some money.
But I remember back when I first decided to let someone else direct the film. My manager asked me - well... Do you think this is the only opportunity you will ever have to direct?
And I said - no... I sure hope not.
But now? Well - I am not so sure. I have spent three years on this project so far - and two waiting for two stars that might not pan out. And this still wasn't really a go - even with names of that caliber attached.
So maybe this is my one shot. I certainly haven't been this close before - and might not get this close again for a long time... But you never know.
Lots of tough decisions. But the biggest one looms largest...
How to pay the rent... :)
This isn't your one shot. There is no "one shot." This is a shot. Take the option that leverages you best into the next shot.
Now stop crying and right something, you lazy bastard.
9:01 PM
This isn't your one shot. There is no "one shot." This is a shot. Take the option that leverages you best into the next shot.
Now stop crying and write something, you lazy bastard.
9:01 PM
Damn, a double-comment with typo! I wish I wasn't a pathetic idiot.
9:01 PM
Glassblowercat already said what I was thinking as I read your post. You got more than one story in you, don't you?
Go write your other stories.
7:41 AM
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