The apple doesn't fall far...

Friday's toll is most obvious on Saturday morning...
Pouring rain yesterday...Spent the day in the car with my dad...
Life is funny and strange and the things you think matter are never the things that really do...
I was living a successful life as a Commercial and TV director on the East Coast. Moved to Indiana to raise money for an indy film - and did - and then got stranded when the STAR1 took two years to clear his schedule to make the movie - and once it cleared - he dropped out.
Go Figure.
Sometime during that waiting game - my parents moved to this town - a very tiny village now housing my entire family.
I have not lived near my family since high school. This was not because I wanted to live on the other side of the country - it just so happens that is what happened...And I did nothing to remedy it. Sure, there were the obligatory visits once a year for Thanksgiving - and they would usually come out our way once or twice to see the kids... But we were divided by 13 hours driving - and we were reduced to a call once or twice a week to update the details of our lives.
Now - we are part of each others lives. It is a really strange feeling to have that connection on a daily basis. My Dad and I go to the gym most mornings and hit the elliptical for 40 minutes - talking up a storm. And we all sit for a meal at least once during the week...
If I have learned anything - it doesn't matter how hard you try - you are formed by your parents. You might think you grew up in a vacuum... But it is just how things happen. You become your parents. Hopefully the best parts. But the more I am around them - the more I recognize myself. My reactions - my ways of handling things...
Sure there are things that you don't like about yourself that you can blame on them as well.
Some parents divorce. Some stay together for the kids. Some stay together just to annoy the other one. My parents actually still love each other - as did their parents. Go figure.
I spent about 8 hours in the car with my Dad yesterday - talking over a ton a different things - from his time in the Air Force to dragging us all over to Asia to live. It was great to see him not only as a father - but as a Man. And I really like that Man...So many of the things that others point out to me that might be considered my strengths - and believe me - my shortcomings far outweigh them - I believe came directly from this guy.
My family has really been blessed by their presence and closeness.
The only thing that really sucks - is that we have always been slightly poor. If the old fart would have chased after a career instead of trying to save the world - I could be living high on the hog, suckling at the teat of the milk and honey flow of inheritance... Instead - I gotta work for a living...
In other news - BIG AGENCY PACKAGING GUY called me yesterday. He loved the script and is going to start recommending guys to us next week.
He also told me who should take over for STAR1. It was the same guy that my agency said should do it. This guy toplines a lot of films right now - so it would be interesting if he ends up in this... But it would be a big cut from his normal salary.
Right with that - STAR6 turned down the script. He said he would be interested if we offered him 7.5 times as much - but otherwise - no thanks. So that was fun...
I'll keep you informed.
Sigh. Time to put on my makeup and get started with the weekend.
That's right, hide the tears with makeup …
And then get back to work!
10:49 AM
Shout out to Greg's pops!
Shout out to Greg for shouting out to his pops!
11:20 PM
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