Sunday, May 21, 2006

The "fabled" Catbird Seat

So it was a really long Saturday.

I sent out my email notifying my fellow producers of my intentions to direct the film - and my declaration was met with silence... Like - in space no one can hear you scream- silence.

Late in the day - one of the producers finally wrote back - saying if we did decide to jettison our director - I should rightfully fill his space.

Still nothing from the other producer - and she was the one who is doing the big money deal. In my heart - I believed she was crying and falling apart - wishing to heaven she had never heard those words coming out of my mouth.

This morning - I finally got an email back from her - addressed to all the producers. She said that she fully supports me as the director. She was slow to get back to me because she was sick.... (I can only guess what made her feel that way...)

So while this is great news - and by great, I mean - incredible - because this is what I have wanted all along - it is by no means a done deal.

We are at a precarious place with the mini-major. They were sold a certain bill of good - ie: a different director with two major stars signed on. Now we are coming back on a weekend where we want them to make a significant offer to DOGSTAR and telling them that not only are the two stars out and we want you to raise the budget - but surprise- we have a new director too.

So - wow - don't know if this will happen or not. We might just have to ride the horse we rode in on.

Beyond that - the director is not a bad guy. At all. In fact he is a really good guy who did a lot of previsualization on this movie. He had some great ideas. But he failed to deliver either actor. And we gave him two years to do it. And that was the only reason I stepped aside in the first place. While I feel awful for him - I also completely feel justified in kicking him to the curb.

But at what price?

Is it worth losing the studio if they will refuse to support me as the director?

There is a lot of questions that need to be answered. But I guess that just means getting on the phone today and talking them out and seeing where we land.

I will say the world looks different with the promise of a job. It really is a lot nicer knowing that I don't have to act out of complete desperation - only partial desperation.

And believe me - once I get the bird in my mouth- I ain't letting go.

PS: Great post today over at the Inside Pitch Trust me. It's worth your time.

And if you are feeling a little masochistic... Tune in tomorrow....


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