Tuesday, June 12, 2007


and it feels so good....

Just got off the phone with my wife. They are getting on the plane in Ft. Wayne.

That means:
27 minute flight to Chicago.
One hour layover.
Four hour flight to LA.
Three hour layover.
14 hour flight to Beijing.
Arrive here tomorrow morning to much celebrating and rejoicing at 5 am.

How cool is that?

I hope my kids don't have continuous breakdowns on the flight so that we can be "those" people with "those" kind of kids...

My son has only been on a plane once - when we spent the summer in Puerto Rico. This is gonna be a really long flight for him. My wife has done the typical - do everything that need to be done in the last 24 hours packing thing - and so she is gonna be exhausted.

And then they'll arrive here completely at odds with the timezone - its exactly 12 hours different - so they are gonna be screwed up. Until its time to go home - and then they'll be great and screwed up at home...


And please...my last post didn't included anyone in my writing circle. But we all feel the same way under the mask - a fraud and a failure - when we sadly know that so little of what we write actually determines our failure or success.

That's a great idea for a post, David. As a producer and head of development of some major cable series - talk a bit about how little "talent" actually matters when you hire writers...

There's a meeting going on at the post house this morning - so I'm gonna do what I never do...

Actually try to write.



Blogger Seeds of Glass said...


I'm working at a marina this summer, today a copy of the Lost Letters arrived in the mail, along with a pay check. I couldn't help but be dissapointed in comparison. The film industry spoiled me last year as far as summer jobs go. I blame it all on Hollywood...and Paris Hilton --might as well kick 'em if they're down right?

3:50 PM


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