Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

"But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away..."

Without meaning to denigrate what is the Greatest Story of all time - How is that for an ending? Next time you think about structure - about Syd Field and Robert McKee and all the other gurus - think back to the Bible.

An unlikely hero born into a time of unrest and cultural crisis. Rising up from obscurity - He steps forward - telling people who he is and where he came from. Rejected by everyone but the commoners. He turns his back on the leaders of his day - preferring to spend time with the poor, helpless and sick. He turns upside the conventions of his day.

Conflict rises - every day brings him closer to his last - and he tells everyone about this but they don't listen. Betrayed by one of his own - he is crucified.

But then... Well. You know the rest. His story is still the most impactful one told today.

The greatest story. The perfect structure. The most awesome ending.

Happy Easter! May we radiate today with joy and love for all - as we are all sinners in need of a savior...


Blogger japhy99 said...

Man, you and Blair are making it difficult for us heathens, writing so nicely about faith.

Careful. You keep this up and you'll make me forget about ol' Pat.

Happy Easter to you brother~~

7:43 AM


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